Articles and Book Chapters

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Confucian ethics


filial piety


folk morality


Sarkissian, H. (forthcoming). “Virtuous contempt in the Analects.” Oxford Handbook of Chinese Philosophy. Edited by Justin Tiwald (New York: Oxford).

Book Chapter

PhilPapers 💾

Sarkissian, H. (2023c). “How remonstration fails: filial piety and reprehensible parents.” Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture 40:109.131

Journal Article

PhilPapers 💾

Sarkissian, H. (2023a). “Humaneness and Justice in the Analects: On Tao Jiang's Origins of Moral-Political Philosophy in Early ChinaPhilosophy East & West 73.2: 429-439

Journal Article

PhilPapers 💾

Sarkissian, H. and Buchtel, EE. (2023b). “What, exactly, is wrong with Confucian filial morality?” Res Philosophica 100.1:23-41

Journal Article

PhilPapers 💾

Sarkissian, H. (2023). “Me-knowledge and effective agency.” Oxford Studies in Epistemology 7, pp. 261-277. Edited by Tamar Szabó Gendler, John Hawthorne, and Julianne Chung

Book Chapter

PhilPapers 💾

Sarkissian, H. (2023). “Confucianism and ritual.” Oxford Handbook of Confucianism. Edited by Jennifer L. Oldstone-Moore

Book Chapter

PhilPapers 💾

Sarkissian, H. (2022). “Meta-theories, interpretability, and human nature--A reply to Velleman.” Philosophy East & West 72.1:252-257

Journal Article

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Sarkissian, H. (2022). “Well-functioning daos and moral relativism.” Philosophy East & West 72.1:230-247

Journal Article

PhilPapers 💾

Baimel, A., White, C., Sarkissian, H., & Norenzayan, A. (2021). How is analytical thinking related to religious belief? A test of three theoretical models. Religion, Brain & Behavior 11.3:239-260

Journal Article

PhilPapers 💾

Sarkissian, H. (2020). “Do filial values corrupt? How can we know? Clarifying and assessing the recent Confucian debate.” Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 19:193-207

Journal Article

PhilPapers 💾

Sarkissian, H. (2020). “Skill and expertise in classical Chinese thought.” In Routledge Handbook of Skill and Expertise. Edited by Ellen Fridland and Carlotta Pavese.

Book Chapter

PhilPapers 💾

Sarkissian, H and Phelan, M. (2019). “Moral objectivism and a punishing God” Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 80:1-7

Journal Article

PhilPapers 💾

Global Neuroethics Summit Delegates (Amadio, J, Bi, G., Boshears. PF, Carter, A., Devor, A., Doya, K., Garden. H., Illes, J., Johnson, LSM, Jorgenson, L., Jun, B-O, Lee, I., Michie, P., Miyakawa, T., Nakazawa, E., Sakura, O., Sarkissian, H., Specker-Sullivan, L., Uh, S., Winickoff, D., Wolpe. PR., Wu, KC., Yasamura, A., Zheng, JC), Rommelfanger KS, Jeong SJ, Ema A, Fukushi T, Kasai K, Ramos KM, Salles A, and Singh I. (2018). “Neuroethics questions to guide ethical research in the International Brain Initiatives.” Neuron 100.1:19-36

Journal Article

PhilPapers 💾

Sarkissian, H. (2018). “Neo-Confucianism, experimental philosophy, and the trouble with intuitive methods.” British Journal for the History of Philosophy 26.5:812-828

Journal Article

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De Freitas, J., Sarkissian, H., Newman, G.E., Grossmann, I., De Brigard, F., Luco, A., and Knobe, J. (2018). “Consistent belief in a good true self in misanthropes and three interdependent cultures” Cognitive Science (S1):134-160

Journal Article

PhilPapers 💾

Colebrook, R. and Sarkissian, H. (2018). “Objectivity.” Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science. Edited by Todd K. Shackelford and Viviana A. Weekes-Shackelford (Springer). DOI:

Book Chapter

PhilPapers 💾

Sarkissian, H. (2018). "Confucius and the superorganism." In The Oneness Hypothesis: Beyond the Boundary of Self. Edited by Philip Ivanhoe, Owen Flanagan, Victoria Harrison, Eric Schwitzgebel, and Hagop Sarkissian (New York: Columbia)

Book Chapter

PhilPapers 💾

Sarkissian, H. (2017). “Folk platitudes as the explananda of philosophical metaethics: Are they accurate? And do they help or hinder inquiry?” Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research 34:565-575

Journal Article

PhilPapers 💾

Sarkissian, H. (2017). “Situationism, manipulation, and objective self-awareness.” Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 20:489–503

Journal Article

PhilPapers 💾

Huebner, B., and Sarkissian, H. (2016). “Cultural evolution and prosociality: widening the hypothesis space.” Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39:e15.

Journal Article

PhilPapers 💾

Sarkissian, H. (2016). “Aspects of folk morality: Objectivism and relativism.” Blackwell Companion to Experimental Philosophy. Edited by Wesley Buckwalter and Justin Sytsma (London: Blackwell)

Book Chapter

PhilPapers 💾

Flanagan, O., Sarkissian, H., and Wong, D. “Naturalizing ethics.” (2016). In the Blackwell Companion to Naturalism (pp.16-33). Edited by Kelly James Clark. (London: Blackwell) [slightly modified reprint of Flanagan et al, 2007, below]

Book Chapter

PhilPapers 💾

Sarkissian, H., and Nichols, R. (2016). “Chinese philosophy as experimental philosophy.” Research Handbook on Methodology in Chinese Philosophy. Edited by Sor-hoon Tan (Bloomsbury).

Book Chapter

PhilPapers 💾

Sarkissian, H. (2015). “Supernatural, social, and self-monitoring in the scaling up of Chinese civilization.” Religion, Brain, and Behavior 5.4:323-327.

Journal Article

PhilPapers 💾

Sarkissian, H. (2015). “When you think it’s bad, it’s worse than you think.” In The Philosophical Challenge from China. Edited by Brian Bruya (Cambridge: MIT Press).

Book Chapter

PhilPapers 💾

Sarkissian, H. (2014). “Is self-regulation a burden or a virtue?” In The Philosophy and Psychology of Virtue: An Empirical Approach to Character and Happiness. Edited by Nancy E. Snow and Franco V. Trivigno (Routledge)

Book Chapter

PhilPapers 💾

Sarkissian, H., Park, J., Tien, D., Wright, J., & Knobe, J. (2014). Folk moral relativism. In Joshua Knobe and Shaun Nichols (Ed.), Experimental Philosophy Vol. II (pp. 169-192). [reprint of Sarkissian et al 2011]

Book Chapter

PhilPapers 💾

Sarkissian, H., and Wright, J. (2013). “Introduction to Experimental Moral Philosophy” In Advances in Experimental Moral Psychology. Edited by Hagop Sarkissian and Jennifer Cole Wright. Continuum Press.

Book Chapter

PhilPapers 💾

Sarkissian, H. (2013). “Ritual and rightness in the Analects.” In the Dao Companion to the Analects. Edited by Amy L. Olberding (Springer Press).

Book Chapter

PhilPapers 💾

Sarkissian, H. (2011). 因小得大: 情境论于道德哲学的困难与可能. (A revised translation of “Minor tweaks, major payoffs: The problems and promise of situationism in moral philosophy”, below) 中国哲学与文化 (The Journal of Chinese Philosophy and Culture) vol.9

Journal Article

PhilPapers 💾

Knobe, J., Buckwalter, W., Robbins, P., Sarkissian, H., Sommers, T., and Nichols, S. (2012.) “Experimental Philosophy” Annual Review of Psychology 63.1:81-99

Journal Article

PhilPapers 💾

Buckwalter, W., Knobe, J., Nichols, S., Pinillos, N.A., Robbins, P., Sarkissian, H., Weigel, C and Weinberg, J.M. (2012). “Experimental Philosophy.” Oxford Bibliographies in Philosophy. Edited by Duncan Pritchard. New York: Oxford University Press.

Online Resource

Oxford 💾

Sarkissian, H. (2012). 고전 유교에서의 감정: 내면과 외면 (Emotions in Classical Confucianism: Inside and Out, translated by Yonghwan Chung), in 유교 도교 불교의 감성이론 (Theories of Emotion in Confucianism, Daoism and Buddhism), edited by Yonghwan Chung (Seoul: Kyung-in Publishing Co.)

Book Chapter

PhilPapers 💾

Sarkissian, H., and Wright, J. (2011). “Folk meta-ethical commitments” In Philosophy: Traditional and Experimental Approaches. Edited by Fritz Allhoff, Ron Mallon, and Shaun Nichols. (Oxford: Oxford University Press).

Book Chapter

PhilPapers 💾

Sarkissian, H., Park, J., Tien, D., Wright, J., and Knobe, J. (2011). “Folk moral relativism.” Mind & Language 26.4:482-505

Journal Article

PhilPapers 💾

Sarkissian, H. (2010). “Recent approaches to Confucian filial morality” Philosophy Compass 5.9:725-734

Journal Article

PhilPapers 💾

Sarkissian, H. (2010). “Minor tweaks, major payoffs: The problems and promise of situationism in moral philosophy” Philosophers’ Imprint 10.9:1-15

Journal Article

PhilPapers 💾

Sarkissian, H. (2010). “The Darker Side of Daoist Primitivism” The Journal of Chinese Philosophy 37.2:312-329

Journal Article

PhilPapers 💾

Sarkissian, H. (2010). “Confucius and the Effortless Life of Virtue” History of Philosophy Quarterly 27.1:1-16

Journal Article

PhilPapers 💾

Sarkissian, H., Chaterjee, A., De Brigard, F., Jelly, C., Knobe, J., Nichols, S. and Sirker, S. (2010). “Is Belief in Free Will a Cultural Universal?" Mind & Language 25.3:346-358

Journal Article

PhilPapers 💾

Huebner, B., Bruno, M, and Sarkissian, H. (2010). “What does the nation of China think of phenomenal states?” Review of Philosophy and Psychology 1.3-4

Journal Article

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Phelan, M., and Sarkissian, H. (2009). “Is the ‘trade-off hypothesis’ worth trading for?” Mind & Language 24.2:164-80

Journal Article

PhilPapers 💾

Phelan, M., Sarkissian, H. (2008). “The folk strike back: Or, why you didn’t do it intentionally, though it was bad and you knew it.” Philosophical Studies 138.2: 291-298

Journal Article

PhilPapers 💾

Flanagan, O., Sarkissian, H., and Wong, D. (2007). “Naturalizing ethics.” In Moral Psychology, Vol. 1: The Evolution of Morality. Edited by Walter Sinnott-Armstrong. Cambridge: MIT Press

Book Chapter

PhilPapers 💾

Flanagan, O., Sarkissian, H., and Wong, D. (2007). “What is the nature of morality? A response to Casebeer, Railton, and Ruse.” In Moral Psychology, Vol. 1: The Evolution of Morality. Edited by Walter Sinnott-Armstrong. Cambridge: MIT Press

Book Chapter

PhilPapers 💾

Sarkissian, H. (2017). “Review: Foundations for Moral Relativism by J. David Velleman.” Journal of Moral Philosophy 14 (1):116-119 (2017)

PhilPapers 💾

Sarkissian, H. (2014). “Review: Stephen C. Angle and Michael Slote (eds.), Virtue Ethics and Confucianism, Routledge, 2013, 271pp., $125.00 (hbk), ISBN 9780415815482. 

PhilPapers 💾

Sarkissian, H. (2012). Review: Individualism in Early China: Human Agency and the Self in Thought and Politics by Erica Fox Brindley. Philosophy East and West 62 (3):408-410 (2012) 

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