Assessments and Grading for Global Ethics (Fall 2023)

Assessments and Grading for Global Ethics (Fall 2023)

Click the toggles to learn more about each category.

Test: Normative vs Descriptive Statements = 10%
Open Book Reading Quizzes = 30%
Homework Assignments = 10%
Two Case Analysis Assignments = 20%
One Short Timed Paper = 25%
Exit Survey = 5%

Where to Submit

Unless otherwise specified, all quizzes and assignments will be completed and submitted through the course's Blackboard site.

Late Assignment Policy

  • Quizzes must be completed by the deadline in every instance. (Your lowest two quiz scores will be dropped at the end of the semester.)
  • If circumstances prevent you from completing a homework assignment or case analysis on time, you may request an extension (unless a hard due date has been specified). Extensions must be requested in advance of the due date. If the situation warrants an extension, we will determine a new due date for the assignment based on your individual circumstances.
  • In all other cases late work will be deducted 10% and granted an automatic one-day extension, after which it will no longer be accepted.
  • NOTE: I do not offer any extra credit or other makeup assignments NOTE: There is no final exam for this course.