The Two Wings of Confucianism: Uncovering the Roots of a Fracture

The Two Wings of Confucianism: Uncovering the Roots of a Fracture
Why did Confucianism end up splitting into two wings? I provide a partial, philosophical answer to this question.
Resonating Humankindness: Agency in an Interconnected World

Resonating Humankindness: Agency in an Interconnected World
The nature of interpersonal influence and how it should impact our self-understanding and our practices.
Filial Piety in Confucian Ethics and Contemporary Society

Filial Piety in Confucian Ethics and Contemporary Society
Filial piety has been a controversial part of Confucian ethics. Is the controversy justified?
The Trouble with Moral Convictions

The Trouble with Moral Convictions
Human beings are driven by moral convictions—deeply held beliefs about right and wrong. Should this be a cause for concern?
Classical Confucian Metaethics

Classical Confucian Metaethics
At least one strand of classical Confucianism is implicitly relativistic, or so I argue
Folk Morality and Philosophical Metaethics

Folk Morality and Philosophical Metaethics
What does the study of folk morality tell us about philosophical metaethics?